White paper
“The role of boarding schools for vulnerable children in the Europe and Central Asia Region”


A. Barisic, Mental health of foster parents

A. Greenberg, The state of childcare – Where we stand and where we are headed

A. K. Graovac, I. Majstorovic, Family legal protection for unaccompanied and separated children

A. Teltschik, Monitoring child protection policies and services

B. McNally, From policy to practice – A trauma informed approach to childcare in Northern Ireland

C. Larkins, Child participation in alternative care

D. Jurisic, Reflections from the Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities

E. Delap, Participatory evaluation

F. Pereira, Sharing good examples of providing comprehensive integrated services for children with disabilities through schools in Portugal

I. Boric, A. Cosic, A. Sprem, Presentation of participatory model of work with children and youth in program A STEP FORWARD

I. Verzivolli, Review on the legal approach to preventing and responding to cases of children with complex emotional and behavioural needs at risk of offending

J. Leipoldt, Social climate in residential care institutions

J. Rogers, Overuse of boarding schools for children with disabilities

K. Ivankovic-Knezevic, EU funds in enhancement of childcare and budgeting

K. Vrhunc Pfeifer, Crisis interventions in social welfare institutions

L. James, M. Punaks, Mental health and psychosocial support services for children along the continuum of childcare

L. Parker, Study on alternative care arrangements for unaccommpanied and separated children in Croatia

M. E. Benini, Foster care for unaccompanied and separated children and community-based solutions for young migrants in Italy

M. M. Maglietti, Reducing risks of gender-based violence in alternative care

M. Rouillon, European Commission Recommendation on developing and strengthening integrated child protection systems in the best interest of the child

N. Efremova, EU funds in enhancement of childcare and budgeting

N. Huijbregts, Analyses on benefits, allowances and leaves for foster parents and children in foster care in Croatia

N. Shabani, Progress of disability reform in the region

P. Rydzewski, Experience from Poland – ensuring alternative care for evacuated children from Ukraine

R. Gilligan, Foster care

S. Grigoras, J. Rogers, Early and continuous assessment, measures and services for families at risk od separation, gatekeeping and prevention of institutionalization

S. Grigoras, White paper on the use of small-scale residential care

S. Vargovic, Therapeutic care – good practices
